-- card: 2833 from stack: in.0-2 -- bmap block id: 5916 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2659 -- name: windows.1 ----- HyperTalk script ----- -- This handler paints the word "windows" in the simulated window. -- The hidden cd fld "theLocs" holds the set of points to use when -- painting the word. on paintWindow clearScreen set cursor to none choose brush tool set brush to 7 set pattern to 12 click at (line 1 of cd fld "theLocs") repeat with n = 2 to ((the number of lines of cd fld "theLocs") - 2) drag from (line (n - 1) of cd fld "theLocs") to (line n of cd fld "theLocs") end repeat choose browse tool choose brush tool set brush to 7 click at 134,129 wait 10 click at 407,188 wait 10 click at 417,188 wait 10 click at 427,188 choose browse tool hide menuBar end paintWindow -- This handler clears the painted word from the "window". on clearScreen choose select tool drag from 42,103 to 432,233 doMenu "clear picture" choose browse tool end clearScreen -- part 1 (field) -- low flags: 81 -- high flags: 0007 -- rect: left=445 top=54 right=310 bottom=507 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 9 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 11 -- part name: theLocs -- part contents for card part 1 ----- text ----- 61,132 66,142 67,156 63,171 76,161 87,138 89,149 91,157 91,171 89,176 97,166 105,156 109,141 115,147 123,149 129,145 126,154 124,164 125,172 129,174 136,170 141,164 148,156 155,149 162,147 165,157 163,167 160,176 166,163 171,155 178,147 185,147 186,153 185,160 184,167 183,173 187,176 194,171 202,165 207,159 213,150 220,146 228,146 233,151 222,145 213,151 206,157 202,165 204,172 208,175 215,171 226,161 234,151 238,141 242,130 238,142 236,151 236,161 238,168 242,174 247,174 255,167 262,159 269,149 275,143 267,152 262,161 263,169 268,174 278,169 281,160 283,151 276,143 285,147 292,146 298,144 303,143 304,153 304,161 301,175 311,168 318,161 324,153 326,145 328,156 329,177 328,185 340,174 348,166 347,152 359,156 374,155 383,144 380,143 376,152 378,160 377,172 373,177 366,179 358,178 379,179 397,173 408,167 415,157 414,143